Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s the End of the Year not the World!
Well another year down, now it’s time for new beginnings and resolutions that we will not keep past next month yet alone next week.
What’s your plan? What do you really want to do? What do you really want to fix? No matter what IT is, make a plan, set aside time to do it and really try for it. What also helps is having a friend or family member hold you accountable for that plan. I.e. if your goal is to learn something new share that with someone and ask them to ask you about it on a weekly if not daily basis.
My resolutions are to do something preparedness every week, dry foods, can foods, go shooting, save up my lunch money for some new gear, fix up the Bronco etc. I am making a list of items I want to buy or fix and I plan on doing that so by year’s end (2013) I plan on having a month’s supply of food, water, medical supplies etc stored up and ready to go. I also want all my stuff in one place in the house so bugging out will be a snap!
I challenge you to do something similar and also shoot me an e-mail to see how it’s going. I too need an accountability buddy or two. Feel free to e mail or text or call me 734-652-5096.
Good luck in 2013
Remember "plans are nothing but planning is everything" Eisner.

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