Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas came and NO ZOMBIES!
Ok well December 21st 2012 came and went; we had no major problems, no end of the world, no apocalypse. Just another day came and gone!
Were you surprised? I hope not, I know I joke a bit more than most about Zombies and the end of the world but if you’re ready for that, you’re ready for disasters, storms, etc.
Hope Santa was good to you and you got some cool preparedness items, canning supplies, camping or hunting gear, or maybe even a cool hand gun or rifle.
All I can say is the end of the world didn’t happen and many people are probably disappointed because they have all this cool gear they thought they were going to need and don’t have a use for it now. Guess what? I do have a use for it and can’t wait for the summer end of the world crap at the garage sales. Pennies on the dollar for outdoor, survival, zombie attack, etc gear all for sale.
Happy shopping, see you at the sales. Get me something cool.

1 comment:

  1. Can say I upgraded my zombie preparedness gear....Stag Arms style....
