Sunday, July 29, 2012

Training begins!
Well let the pain begin! I have started to train for work again. Last week I decided I could just get back into the swing of things by joining the two younger guys at work in an "Insanity" workout! Sure it can’t be that bad right? One told me he almost threw up after it. I was doing great at about the 16 minute mark then it got insane! Luckily for me I had two advantages the two younger guys didn’t.
# 1 I was in the back so they couldn’t see me dying!
# 2 they were still on shift so they had to go out and take a few runs between sets so I was able to coast a bit till they got back.
One looked at me and said "dang Capt you been doing this the whole time? Awesome! I replied well "yeah someone has to do this while you guys slack off" But I fused up and said I kept moving but not at the required pace for Insanity!
Well I did it and felt great the next day, two days after though, I cried when the alarm went off. I guess I should start slow!
Today I ran almost two miles more like ran, walked, ran, crawl. But I did it 20 minutes and 6 seconded but now I have a goal. 2 sets of 20 pushups and 2 sets of 25 set ups.
We’ll see what I do tomorrow, but right now I’m ready for a good night’s sleep. Hopefully I won’t cry when the alarm goes off.

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