Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Well thank God I was paying attention and not doing what I normally do behind the wheel, texting, talking on my cell, day dreaming etc...
On my way home today I was driving and looking ahead like I usually do watching the cars in front, besides, and behind me when all of a sudden.... The light just turned yellow for me I was less than 50 yards from the intersection and closing at (yes the posted speed) and a man in a minivan turning left decided he should "go", "er um nope", "oh well yep ill try it" "CRAP those cars are not stopping at all" through the intersection. The car next to me slammed on the brakes and swerved right I slammed on my brakes and swerved left. The other car missed him and stopped in front of the minivan blocking his path. Me? My path? A bit scarier. I was in my bronco and immediately went sideways into head on traffic then turned hard right skidding and going sideways now past head on traffic and back in my lanes. Pheww right? Nope my short wheel base Bronco decided to go into the next lane and head for the curb so I swerve back to the left and still skidding and I swear going from two wheels on my side to two wheels on the passenger side missing everything and recovering.
Thanks to my years of defensive driving of ambulances, fire trucks, and now staff cars (Police cars actually) I was able to maintain all wheels eventually on the ground, not hit anyone or anything and drive off like "yeah I meant to do that!!!" Now to change my shorts! I have no doubt that everyone in the intersection including the dude and his family in the minivan went from "Oh S$!) This is going to hurt" to "holy cow that was amazing No-One got hit or hurt"
Friends, stay alert because if you don’t the consequences may be fatal. I have no doubt that my Bronco going 45 skidding right into the passenger side of the minivan would have had fatal results for the passengers on that side of the van, possibly the driver, and me I might not have made it out too well myself. Yes I have airbags, always wear my seatbelt properly, and have about 6 feet of full Ford truck frame and body plus a V8 302 engine between me and the Minivan. I have seen accidents like this and trust me no one wins.
Pay attention to what you are doing, obey the laws, look at what others are doing and hopefully you will live to fight another day. Pay attention, put down the cell phone, stop texting, and for God’s sake look out for people. If you know me at all you know my favorite saying. "People are stupid"

1 comment:

  1. See the "police car." Can be your friend....glad you made it though well.
