Sunday, July 29, 2012

Training begins!
Well let the pain begin! I have started to train for work again. Last week I decided I could just get back into the swing of things by joining the two younger guys at work in an "Insanity" workout! Sure it can’t be that bad right? One told me he almost threw up after it. I was doing great at about the 16 minute mark then it got insane! Luckily for me I had two advantages the two younger guys didn’t.
# 1 I was in the back so they couldn’t see me dying!
# 2 they were still on shift so they had to go out and take a few runs between sets so I was able to coast a bit till they got back.
One looked at me and said "dang Capt you been doing this the whole time? Awesome! I replied well "yeah someone has to do this while you guys slack off" But I fused up and said I kept moving but not at the required pace for Insanity!
Well I did it and felt great the next day, two days after though, I cried when the alarm went off. I guess I should start slow!
Today I ran almost two miles more like ran, walked, ran, crawl. But I did it 20 minutes and 6 seconded but now I have a goal. 2 sets of 20 pushups and 2 sets of 25 set ups.
We’ll see what I do tomorrow, but right now I’m ready for a good night’s sleep. Hopefully I won’t cry when the alarm goes off.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Well thank God I was paying attention and not doing what I normally do behind the wheel, texting, talking on my cell, day dreaming etc...
On my way home today I was driving and looking ahead like I usually do watching the cars in front, besides, and behind me when all of a sudden.... The light just turned yellow for me I was less than 50 yards from the intersection and closing at (yes the posted speed) and a man in a minivan turning left decided he should "go", "er um nope", "oh well yep ill try it" "CRAP those cars are not stopping at all" through the intersection. The car next to me slammed on the brakes and swerved right I slammed on my brakes and swerved left. The other car missed him and stopped in front of the minivan blocking his path. Me? My path? A bit scarier. I was in my bronco and immediately went sideways into head on traffic then turned hard right skidding and going sideways now past head on traffic and back in my lanes. Pheww right? Nope my short wheel base Bronco decided to go into the next lane and head for the curb so I swerve back to the left and still skidding and I swear going from two wheels on my side to two wheels on the passenger side missing everything and recovering.
Thanks to my years of defensive driving of ambulances, fire trucks, and now staff cars (Police cars actually) I was able to maintain all wheels eventually on the ground, not hit anyone or anything and drive off like "yeah I meant to do that!!!" Now to change my shorts! I have no doubt that everyone in the intersection including the dude and his family in the minivan went from "Oh S$!) This is going to hurt" to "holy cow that was amazing No-One got hit or hurt"
Friends, stay alert because if you don’t the consequences may be fatal. I have no doubt that my Bronco going 45 skidding right into the passenger side of the minivan would have had fatal results for the passengers on that side of the van, possibly the driver, and me I might not have made it out too well myself. Yes I have airbags, always wear my seatbelt properly, and have about 6 feet of full Ford truck frame and body plus a V8 302 engine between me and the Minivan. I have seen accidents like this and trust me no one wins.
Pay attention to what you are doing, obey the laws, look at what others are doing and hopefully you will live to fight another day. Pay attention, put down the cell phone, stop texting, and for God’s sake look out for people. If you know me at all you know my favorite saying. "People are stupid"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July and its going to be a HOT ONE!
Are you ready for the storm? I asked my neighbor yesterday before the thunderstorm and 3/4 inch to inch size hail hit our neighborhood.
That’s right 3/4 inch to inch size hail.

The storm hit for about 20 minutes and did some damage. To our neighborhood we had two skylights in my home with holes now, two or three tomato plants damaged, garden flooded, (hopefully they recover) power out in our neighborhood and temps back up to the 90's. We went into town for some supplies to fix the skylights and saw trees down across the road, car windows broken in at the store parking lot etc.
One of my neighbors asked for me to look at her battery powered camp light. As I was fixing it for her she asked how we were doing and if I needed any flashlights for tonight when it gets dark? I looked at her and said we have all the lights we need. I have about 6 flashlights but more importantly we have well over a dozen solar powered garden lights. She asked what good the garden lights are going to do outside? Again I looked at her and said, "We bring them inside and can put them in vases, on the counters, carry them around etc. They are not just for outside!" she was amazed at this simple tidbit of knowledge and asked what more I could tell her and her daughter.
I plan on giving them both some safety and survival homework every time I see them. They are both ill or handicapped but they will be just as ready as we are in a short period of time.....I hope!
Well it’s the 4th of July, Fireworks are approved by the previous State Fire Marshal’s office for sale and lighting, and the new State Fire Marshal has his hands full with all the complaints, laws, questions, etc about them being legal in MI. If you have questions about them by all means contact your local Fire Department of the State Fire Marshal’s office at 517-241-8847.
Well it’s hot and sunny, drink plenty of cool water stay in the shade and if you are playing outside keep that sunscreen on and HYDRATE!!!
Let me know what you think so far about the blog and what topics you would like to see discussed in the future. Invite others as well.
Stay safe and ever ready!!!