Friday, January 18, 2013

LATE is better than NEVER!
Well its been a few weeks and no post.  Here goes the status report:
We got a new gun for Christmas well My wife got a new hand gun for Christmas we shot it on Christmas day and decided to look for ranges here in town.  Found a couple and one we really like.  We are gettinmg our CPL class in March its FREE to teachers so My class is FREE and Kellys is discounted.  How cool is that?
We also put some money down on a used hand gun as well hope to pick it up next week its a 9MM Browning lots of extras come with it and the price is nice.
Oh well whats in your plan for 2013???

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Well I had a great three days back at work, decided I am doing too much and not accomplishing anything so this week back I am going to triage the job and all my duties.
What’s Triage you say?
triage(tr -äzh , tr äzh )
1. A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment. Triage is used in hospital emergency rooms, on battlefields, and at disaster sites when limited medical resources must be allocated.
2. A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.
3. A process in which things are ranked in terms of importance or priority: "For millions of Americans, each week becomes a stressful triage between work and home that leaves them feeling guilty, exhausted and angry" (Jill Smolowe).
tr.v. tri·aged, tri·ag·ing, tri·ag·es
To sort or allocate by triage: triaged the patients according to their symptoms.
I will be following # 3. I will be looking at all I do and ranking them into importance and eliminating several useless or non essential duties from my workload. I will be working out more and getting my cardio conditioning back on track.
What have you done????

Monday, December 31, 2012

It’s the End of the Year not the World!
Well another year down, now it’s time for new beginnings and resolutions that we will not keep past next month yet alone next week.
What’s your plan? What do you really want to do? What do you really want to fix? No matter what IT is, make a plan, set aside time to do it and really try for it. What also helps is having a friend or family member hold you accountable for that plan. I.e. if your goal is to learn something new share that with someone and ask them to ask you about it on a weekly if not daily basis.
My resolutions are to do something preparedness every week, dry foods, can foods, go shooting, save up my lunch money for some new gear, fix up the Bronco etc. I am making a list of items I want to buy or fix and I plan on doing that so by year’s end (2013) I plan on having a month’s supply of food, water, medical supplies etc stored up and ready to go. I also want all my stuff in one place in the house so bugging out will be a snap!
I challenge you to do something similar and also shoot me an e-mail to see how it’s going. I too need an accountability buddy or two. Feel free to e mail or text or call me 734-652-5096.
Good luck in 2013
Remember "plans are nothing but planning is everything" Eisner.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas came and NO ZOMBIES!
Ok well December 21st 2012 came and went; we had no major problems, no end of the world, no apocalypse. Just another day came and gone!
Were you surprised? I hope not, I know I joke a bit more than most about Zombies and the end of the world but if you’re ready for that, you’re ready for disasters, storms, etc.
Hope Santa was good to you and you got some cool preparedness items, canning supplies, camping or hunting gear, or maybe even a cool hand gun or rifle.
All I can say is the end of the world didn’t happen and many people are probably disappointed because they have all this cool gear they thought they were going to need and don’t have a use for it now. Guess what? I do have a use for it and can’t wait for the summer end of the world crap at the garage sales. Pennies on the dollar for outdoor, survival, zombie attack, etc gear all for sale.
Happy shopping, see you at the sales. Get me something cool.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Well it looks like it is a bunch of bologna, no end of the world, no Zombies, no apocalypse! Now what? Looks like the garage sales are gona be awesome this summer. I can’t wait to see what I can get for cheap, Cheap, CHEAP!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Back home from the 2012 Citizen Corps Conference, and what a great conference it was. Well over 300 people attended and participated in the education and the water park at the Great Wolf Lodge.
I have to tell you this year’s conference may be the best one yet. The last ones were awesome too but this year it had more back to basic education, great information and presenters. Well Done Wendy from the MSP. Well done indeed.
Awards! Yes Dearborn CERT and or its members were nominated for three of the annual awards and came home with two. The Dearborn CERT team won Team of their Year award!!!! Thank you Dearborn CERT for all your countless hrs of training, and work. You have earned this award!!! I am so proud of you all.
Dearborn CERT Volunteers Art and Paula have won Volunteer of the year award!!! Awesome work on your part and CONGRATS to you for your success.
I was nominated for Coordinator of the year and came up short but I am glad to have been neaten out of this award by a man who not only deserves it but I am proud to call Friend and fellow collogue. Dave Everets from Region 6. Great job Dave CONGRATS!!
Well now it’s on to bed I have to give my awards to the CERT team tomorrow morning at our December CERT training meeting.
Thank you all for doing the hardest job in the world....VOLUNTERRING. You are the reason I come to work every day.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where have I been?
Some of you have been asking me where I have been. Let’s just say BUSY!!!!
I have been working on updating my preparedness stock and training. We had a group meeting before Halloween and it was a huge success. The group is starting to grow and we are meeting new people. Some e of us have been making small changes here and there by gathering supplies, canning, preserving, dehydrating foods etc.
We have well over 150 lbs of propane stored now and it’s all portable. Enough food and water for the recommended 72 hrs for the family including the dogs and cat. We are keeping the escape, (no pun intended) full of gas at most times the Bronco is another challenge. The gas tank is leaking anytime it’s over 1/2 full. Sounds like a winter project.
Enough about me and my family, what have you been doing? I would love to hear it.