Sunday, September 30, 2012

Well summer is closing down, pools are being winterized, time to cut or split your fire wood, maybe one last cut of the lawn and weed and feed. So far we have started to can the harvest of the summer garden. I don’t know how many pounds of frozen fresh organic berries we have in the freezer. Dried green beans, cherry tomatoes, beef jerky, and fruit leather. We have also canned Green beans, tomato sauce, chili starter etc. Hopefully were off to a good start.
What have you done so far???

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where were you on 911?  What were you doing?  How has 911 changed your life? 
I hope that 911 changed your life for the better and you don't live in fear. But are a bit more aware of your surroundings now than before.  Are we as a nation safer?  Are we as a nation more prepared?  Are we as a nation more resilient?  I hope so but you cant be ready for everything and anything that can come at us.  We can only hope to be more resilient. 
I ask that you help spread the word to keep an eye out for suspicious activities and persons and do the right thing....Notify the authorities!  I know I don't speak for everyone but as a first responder I would have rather gone out on 100 false alarms than one serious event.
With everyone being vigilant and not living in fear of retaliation we can take our neighborhoods and nation back.  It is going to take time and efforts on us all but if WE stick together WE can win this fight on terror!
I ask you to help keep your neighborhoods, and cities, and the nation safe by getting involved start by preparing your self, then your family, then your friends and neighbors.  Take advantage of this nations National Preparedness Month.  Take a CPR class, stock up on Water, Just do something to take care of yourself this month.