Monday, June 25, 2012

CERT Games 2012
Where were you???
Well CERT games 2012 just happened this last weekend June 22, 23, 24. We had well over 30 people attend this training weekend and were trained and tested. The games were a huge success thanks to the volunteers who traveled up to Roscommon MI and played all weekend.
They were sponsored by the Michigan State Police, Dave Everets from Kent County CERT and yours truly of the Preparedness Network.
Even with funding possibly going away totally the MSP have stated they are already looking into next year’s event.
Hope to see you out in 2013!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father’s Day 2012!!

I take this time out to look back at my Father and the men in my life who have mentored or taught me.

My father was not the smartest, fastest, wickedest, or richest. But he was serious about our lives and our safety. This is not going to be a mushy sonnet to my Dad. He would not want to be remembered that way. But a note to pass on to you some of his lessons to me.

· Don’t be late!
· Don’t hit girls, (now that I’m older I know he would also say "Women" as well)
· Take care of what you have.
· Take better care of things you borrow.
· Try not to speak out of anger.
· And if it felt good when you said it! It was the wrong time to say it! (He told me this a lot!)
As a child I went with my dad everywhere he would take me. I tried my best to follow in his footsteps, some he prevented me from doing and others he encouraged me to do so.

As a father myself, I try to do the same as he did and to do it better. I see so many fathers not leading, protecting, caring, or teaching the young boys and girls in their lives. How can someone do this and not care?

All my knowledge I try to pass on to my wife and kids sometimes they are tired of it but I want them to know what I know. What good is all my knowledge in my head when I'm gone or away when disaster strikes?

I challenge all of you out there to pass on one thing a week to your family or friends. Don’t be the smartest guy in the grave. I want to be the dumbest guy in the ground, won’t you join me? Hopefully in 50 years though. I’m in no race for that.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hey all of my fellow preparedness friends..All two of you, Thanks for starting up with me. My plans are to start sharing my passion and knowledge on personal preparedness with anyone who will listen.

I will try and stay focused, a-political, speak from the gut and the heart with truth and fact.

It has been said that knowledge is power and many want to be powerful. I believe in half of that statement. I do believe that knowledge is indeed power but when my end comes I want to be the dumbest and least powerful man in the dirt! What does that mean you may ask? Simple....any and all knowledge I acquire along the way I want to pass on to you and all fellow men, women, and children. Basically anyone who will listen.

Am I an expert or master of what I am saying? I don’t feel like I am but I do feel knowledgeable and if you see me teaching something wrong or not factual please by all means let me know. I can always learn a thing or two also.

Again Thank you for being here in my new beginning and hopefully "Together" we can discover new levels of personal preparedness for ourselves and our families.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Friends, Family, colligues, and associates I am excited to start this blog, I hope you follow along with me.

More to come!
